Can You Go Fishing On St. John’s Island?

Can You Go Fishing On St. John’s Island?

Fishing is one of the main tourist activities on St. John. You will spend time around water – walking on the beach, snorkeling, or fishing inshore and offshore.

But first, no matter your plans, you need to rent top-notch villas that’ll make your stay easy and memorable. See our list of amazing St John rentals to check out while you’re here.

As for fishing on the island as a tourist activity, let’s start from the beginning.

Is it Legal For Tourists To Fish on St. John?

It is legal to fish in any waters of the USVI, including St John’s Island. However, there are certain areas where you cannot fish unless you have a permit.

These include the Coral Reef National Monuments, any mooring fields except Cabritte Horn designated fishing moorings, and between 8 am and 5 pm at the NPS Redhook dock, Cruz Bay Pier, etc.

As a tourist, you don’t need to worry much about these prohibitions. You’ll most probably be fishing alongside a fisherman or a local who owns a boat. They already know the regulations.

What Kinds Of Fish Can You Expect To Find?

There is a wide variety of fish that you can catch on St. John’s Island. We’re talking about Bonefish, Kingfish, Marlin, Barracuda, Tuna, Dolphinfish, Wahoo, and so much more.

The kind of fish that you’ll most likely find depends on your location, time of day, and time of year. For instance, Tuna is found offshore all year round, but the Wahoo, even though it may be found at any time of the year, is more common from September to May.

How to Find the Perfect Fishing Spot

When it comes to inshore fishing, the Kingfish is best found from February to May, on reefs, most mid-shelf areas, and drop-offs. Bonefish are found near the shore, in shallow areas, bags, and mangrove lagoons. They are best found from late March to September.

One thing to note while fishing on St. John’s island is to use the right kind of bait. When you’re planning to go fishing, you should know what kind of fish you’re looking for and the right bait for it.

Some baits work for many kinds of fish. Ballyhoo, lures, fry, and feathers are baits that attract a variety of fish. On the other hand, shrimp baits are for Jacks and Bonefish, while live fish are used to catch Barracudas.


Fishing on St. John island is an adventure. You get to go out to sea, or stay on the shore, and catch different kinds of fish. You create memories for you and your family that you will never forget.

As long as you adhere to USVI fishing regulations, fishing on St. John’s Island will be one of the highlights of your vacation.